HR Advice

There will always be times when you are unsure or would like an expert second opinion before making a decision relating to your employees. Target HR are your own virtual HR department and are available to give you straight forward, business focused advice by telephone or email on all people related matters, including:


Performance Management


Discipline and Grievance




Absence Management


Organisational Restructuring (including redundancy and TUPE)


Recruitment and Selection



(age, race, sex, disability, religion, etc)

HR Policies

Once you start to employ staff it is essential that you have compliant HR documentation such as employment contracts and an Employee Handbook. We have an extensive document library which is constantly being updated as the outside world changes. We can provide the following templates and help you develop your internal policies and content.


Employee Handbook


HR Policies

(eg discipline, grievance, absence management, bullying/harassment and equal opportunities)


Manager and Employee Guides


Template Contracts, Letters and Forms

Compliance Service

Once you have a full set of HR documents, our Compliance Service means you can leave it to us to ensure they remain up to date. We will have our eyes and ears on the outside world and ensure that you are made aware of all relevant statutory employment law changes and case law decisions, via regular written briefings. We will provide you with any new policies, procedures and templates that are needed following the change and if you have our Employee Handbook and contract templates, we will also provide you with replacement and updated sections to slot straight in.
With the Compliance Service you can leave HR compliance to us and focus on your organisation and its goals.

HR Projects

If you are planning change within your organisation or simply feel the need to push on and improve business performance through your people. Target HR can support your HR project by researching and advising on topics such as:


Reviewing or Setting Up an HR Function


Organisational Design and Restructure


Transfer of Undertakings (TUPE)


Performance Management and Appraisal


Reward Strategy (inc. Salary Bench Marking)


Competency Profiles


Employee Surveys

HR Administration

If you are a business owner / senior manager who is personally producing employment contracts, offer letters and HR paperwork,  or you are considering employing someone to do this, perhaps you should consider outsourcing ? Target HR provides a full range of HR Administration services including:


Preparation of Employment Contracts and Offer Letters


Obtaining References and Background Checks


Preparing Contract Variation and Other HR letters

(eg promotions, transfers, salary increases)


Administering Leavers and Carrying Out Exit Interviews

Outsourcing your HR Administration could not only save you valuable time and money, it will also ensure that you remain compliant within your processes and record keeping.

For those organisations who already carry out HR Administration in house, we can also provide you with legally compliant contract, letter and form templates. 

Book a Free HR Health Check

Target HR offer a free no obligation HR Health Check, with a written report of risks and opportunities. So how does the health check work? Target HR will meet with you and carry out a full HR Health check of your business. We will talk to you about your business goals, your people management practices and provide a written report with recommendations. The health check meeting will take no more than 2 hours. If you employ or intend to employ staff and currently have no dedicated HR support, what have you got to lose?

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